Sunday, November 6, 2011

Alico Personal Loans Insurance

Alico Loans Insurance

Alico life is a major contributor of credit insurance in the short term crop jacket unsecured incompletely protected or unsecured loans, such as individual loans and auto loans. Intercontinental mutual knowledge with our knowledge of the local advertising gives us the ability to provide returns that meets your requirements and needs of your customers
Place the following solutions separately from those obtained by our competitors:

1. Our solutions offer the face of insurance on loans of up to millions BDT7.5
2. Our non-medical restrictions are in the middle of the maximum market
3. Our products are competitive prices, creating them at a reasonable price for your customers; diagonal all your customer segments have
4. We have a dynamic presentation and resourceful organization dealing with the benefit that your customer can accept the loan disbursement to the most primitive
5. sanitary control tests at our expense from one side to an arrangement spacious medical providers for candidates at the top of the non-medical boundary
6. Our utter to you is backed by one of the most excellent review teams in the manufacturing with clear benchmarks for transactions clearly the distribution of treatments and investigations.

product details
Our solutions are tailor-made clothing to adjust to your needs and can wrap more:
• Deaths due to any reason
• stable of total disability due to accident or illness
each customer of the bank or the economic organization, between the ages of 18 and 65
Health Check of essential
It would be based on age of the borrower and the amount of coverage required
Reimbursement method
Premiums can be paid on a base, annual or monthly basis as a return spot (premium only)
You will enjoy a high level of review, together with the claims effectively.

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